

Thoroughly Modern Millie

Cast Needs:


- bring your performance shows to ALL dance rehearsals

- ladies should bring a flowing, knee length skirt to ALL rehearsals

- you should bring your script, score, a pencil or pen, and water with you to every rehearsal

- everyone needs to either sell $25 in ads or pay $25 to help with costume & set expenses

- any rehearsal conflicts that are to be excused must be given to Rob or Andy by May 26

- you may be responsible for finding some costume pieces. If you have something that might work for yourself

   or for others, bring it to rehearsal

- please come to rehearsals warmed up and on time

- you will be given 2 comp tickets to Comtra for being in the show. These are good for any performance of any

   show with the exception of closing weekend. If you are using these you still need to make a reservation as the

   comps are merely a method of payment, not a guarantee of a seat

- if you have friends who are willing to usher – they will be permitted to see the show for free on any night they

   usher – but please let Rob or Andy know if you have anyone coming so we can plan appropriately. Ushers are

   not given assigned seating – but are always given some place to see the show from.

- if you do not have a copy of the OBC of the show and would like a copy – just give Rob or Andy a blank cd

   and one of us will make a copy for you.

- please, please, please, please make sure that you clean up after yourselves at rehearsals. There is no longer a

  custodial staff at Comtra (aside from Friday mornings) and we do need to share the space. The directors will

   not be happy if they have to take 15 minutes after every rehearsal to clean up after you.


Costuming Needs


- Nude tights or stockings

- brown eyeliner pencil for drawing seams if stockings/tights do not have a seam

- black character shoes (1 to 3” heel)

- beige character shoes (for those in the opening number) (1-3” heel)

- black taps (heels, not flats) for stenographers

- colored tights for stenographers (consult Rob on what color)

- one pair wrist length white gloves (for those in the opening number)



- black dress shoes (slip-ons or laces are fine) preferably hard soled

- black dress pants

- white button down dress shirt with collar – long sleeved

- black socks